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Check out our Israel student groups here at WashU.
Wash U Students for Israel ( WSI ) is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to learn about Israel through food, music, art, etc.
WashU Israel Public Affairs Committee ( WIPAC ) is a bipartisan, SU affiliated group seeking to strengthen the US-Israel and WashU-Israel relationships. They support a two state solution through direct, bilateral negotiations.

Intern in Israel
Loved your time in Israel and want to go back? Then what about interning in Israel!
Three great internships to look into are Onward, Masa and Birthright Excel. All three have a wide range of great internship opportunities for students in Israel over the summer.
For more information, click here. If you have any questions or are interested in applying, email for more information!
Intern at WashU
There are intern opportunities here at WashU Hillel as well such as:
Birthright Intern: Helping to recruit Birthright participants for the upcoming season!
Keep Up With Hillel
WashU Hillel has so many events for students to go to year round! Whether it is going to a Shabbat dinner on a Friday evening, apple picking for Rosh Hashanah, or being a part of a Jewish Learning Fellowship course, Hillel has it all!
You can keep up to date with all things Hillel through our Facebook or Instagram. Or, better yet, check in with our calendar!

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